lundi 27 juin 2011

Soutenance de thèse - Marianna Carrera


J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à ma soutenance de thèse, intitulée :

"SHAPE the Wireless Traffic in the Home Network"

ainsi qu'au pot qui suivra,

lundi 11 juillet à 16h00 au Campus Jussieu, salle 25-26-101, 1ere étage.


With the spread of broadband Internet accesses and home theater systems, the
importance of multimedia services in today's home is continuously growing.
Moreover, as media servers, network storage systems and high capacity handheld
devices become popular, multimedia content is often hosted in the home itself.
Therefore, home net- works are facing higher loads of performance-sensitive
traffic, from/to the Internet and across the home devices. Such devices, e.g.,
home media servers, set-top boxes, phones and tablets, send and receive traffic
mostly on wireless links, either by design or to accommodate the users'
preference. Therefore, home networks strive to provide such
performance-sensitive services through a wireless technology, Wi-Fi, known for
its unstable capacity, highly sensitive to the surrounding environment.

The goal of this thesis is to design an enhanced Wi-Fi access point that
provides throughput guarantees to multimedia flows and thus convert the Wi-Fi
home network into a less unpredictable environment for simpler multimedia
streaming and better performances. We carry out the design of such a system in
two phases: first, we explore the design space and identify the wished
features; and later, we design SHAPE (Smart Home Access Point Environment), an
enhanced Wi-Fi access point that provides throughput guarantees to Wi-Fi users
and requires no modification to existing 802.11 devices. SHAPE controls
bandwidth allocation by both aggressively grabbing transmissions opportunities
and by reserving airtime to uplink transmissions. SHAPE continuously performs
resource control, ensuring that the set of guaranteed throughputs fits the
variable available bandwidth. We assess the protocol overhead of SHAPE in the
case of saturated uplinks. Numerical results show that SHAPE's overhead is
comparable with that of 802.11 Distributed Control Function.

In order to evaluate the performance of SHAPE in real home networking
environments, we develop a prototype running on off the shelf hardware. We
discuss implementation challenges and detail our choices. We perform an
extensive experimental evaluation of SHAPE on a testbed representing two home
networks overlapping in space and frequency domain. We show that SHAPE
effectively provides the required throughput and considerably smaller jitter
delay (wrt 802.11) to wireless links with heterogeneous target throughputs in
the presence of other Wi-Fi traffic, even when collocated with a non-SHAPE
WLAN. Moreover, in all scenarios, SHAPE achieves a network utilization (i.e.,
aggregate throughput) comparable with that of an 802.11 WLAN, confirming that
the overhead introduced by SHAPE does not considerably affect the wireless
network capacity.

 Composition du jury

Ramesh Govindan, Rapporteur, Professeur a l'University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Andrzej Duda, Rapporteur, Professeur a l'INP-Ensimag de Grenoble
Claudio Casetti, Examinateur, Professeur a le Politecnico di Torino
Metthieu Latapy, Examinateur, Directeur de Recherche au LIP6

Martin May, Encadrante, Directeur de Strategie a Technicolor
Serge Fdida, Directeur de These, Professeur a l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie

 Comment venir
 UPMC Campus Jussieu room 25-26-101   4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris cedex 05 Tél. 01 44 27 44 27  Access :  - Métro, lines 7 et 10 (Jussieu station)  - Bus 89 (Jussieu station)

Bien cordialement, 

Marianna Carrera

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