mardi 2 octobre 2012

Soutenance de thèse: "Environnement de conception multi-niveaux unifié appliqué aux systèmes mix=?iso-8859-1?Q?unifi=E9_appliqu=E9_aux_syst=E8mes_mixtes=22?=


j'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à la soutenance de thèse de Michel
Vasilevski ainsi qu'au pot qui suivra.
La thèse de doctorat de M. Vasilevski est intitulée:
"Environnement de conception multi-niveaux unifié appliqué aux systèmes
Veuillez trouver un résumé de ce travail ci-dessous et l'adresse suivante:

La soutenance aura lieu le jeudi 04 octobre 2012 à 14h00 dans la Salle
211, Couloir 55-65, 4, Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris.

Le jury sera composé de :
- A. Vachoux, Professeur, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
- G. Jacquemod, Professeur, Polytech' Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Rapporteur.
- I. O'Connor, Professeur, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Examinateur.
- S. Scotti, Ingénieur, STMicroelectronics, Examinateur.
- M.-M. Louerat, Chargée de recherche UPMC, Examinatrice.
- F. Pecheux, Maitre de conférences UPMC, Examinateur.
- A. Greiner, Professeur UPMC, Co-Directeur de thèse.
- H. Aboushady, Maitre de conférences UPMC, Directeur de thèse.


Hassan Aboushady.

Nowadays, System-on-Chips containing digital, analog and RF blocks are
very common and are present in almost all electronic devices. A
system-level model containing both the analog and digital parts is very
important to determine the circuit specifications and to validate the
desired system performance. Tools available to model such systems are
currently lacking: Matlab, a widely used high-level simulator is not
compatible with the integrated circuit design flow. VHDL-AMS, a language
for analog mixed-signal circuit description is very time-consuming for
large systems. Recently, an AMS extension of SystemC, called SystemC AMS,
has filled this gap of Mixed Signal modeling in a system level. At the
circuit level, the conventional analog design methodologies have been
mainly based on the analog designer approximated calculations and
computer-aided simulations for tuning. The design time of analog and RF
blocks is very dependent on the designer's experience. When the CMOS
process or the specifications are changed a complete redesign is
necessary. Moreover, it is very difficult to optimize the overall design
of a complex mixed-signal circuit because the design and simulation
environments used for the digital blocks are very different from those
used for the analog and RF blocks. The following points summarize the
contributions realized in this work:
- The first implementation of a fairly complex Mixed Signal model in
SystemC-AMS: a Wireless Sensor Network node.
- Refined models for a generic and configurable approach of system-level
- An accurate linear and nonlinear circuit performance evaluation tool for
system-level refined models back-annotation and circuit-level optimized
- An optimized circuit design methodology based on an accurate sizing tool
and the circuit performance evaluation tool.
- A unified Mixed Signal design environment with a very strong interaction
between system-level simulation and optimized circuit-level design.

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