lundi 23 juin 2014

[Invitation] Soutenance de thèse de Rima Hatoum


J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à ma soutenance de thèse intitulée:
"Algorithmes d'Ordonnancement Inter-Couches avec Adaptation de
Modulation et de Codage dans les Réseaux Hétérogènes LTE" et au pot
qui suivra.

La soutenance se déroulera le jeudi 26 juin à 15h, Tour 25-26, 1er
étage, salle 105 du Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6) situé

4, Place Jussieu
75005 Paris (station Jussieu métro 7 et 10)

Membres de Jury:

- ACHIR Nadjib: Maître de conférence-HDR, Université Paris Nord (rapporteur)
- AL-AGHA Khaldoun: Professeur, Université Paris Sud (examinateur)
- ELAYOUBI Salah Eddine: Ingénieur de recherche-HDR, Orange Labs (rapporteur)
- FLADENMULLER Anne: Maître de conférence-HDR, Université Pierre et
Marie Curie (examinatrice)
- GHAITH Alaa: Maître de Conférence, Université Libanaise
(encadrant de thèse)
- NGUYEN Thi-Mai-Trang: Maître de Conférence-HDR, Université Pierre
et Marie Curie (examinatrice)
- PUJOLLE Guy: Professeur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
(directeur de thèse)


Responding to the huge demand for high data rates and satisfying
Quality of Service (QoS) requirements are the main objectives of the
wireless mobile operators. LTE-based small cell system is a promising
technology offering the required services, enhanced indoor coverage
and increased system capacity. However, many challenges face the
constructors and the operators for an effective deployment of these
systems. In this thesis, in order to evolve such systems and adduce
significant enhancement in terms of QoS and throughput, we adopt a
complementary strategy based on both data link layer and physical layer.
First, we propose, on the link layer level, two scheduling and joint
resource allocation algorithm based on the Adaptive Modulation and
Coding (AMC) and the power control mechanism for OFDMA-Downlink and
SC-FDMA-Uplink connections respectively. Namely, they refer to:
"Downlink AMC-QRAP" and "Uplink AMC-QRAP". The joint adaptation of the
transmission power and the Modulation and Coding Scheme reliably
interacts with the link quality on each allocated sub-channel. Two
distinct user categories are considered to differentiate between
different QoS levels required. Accordingly, a linear optimization
model is performed for the problem resolution. A clustering approach
proposed in the literature has been used as a tradeoff between
centralized and distributed schemes. Particularly, we used the
spectrum sensing technique as proposed on the physical layer to detect
surrounding transmissions.
After that, we tackle the physical layer "signal processing"
techniques as an LTE enhancement approach. Thus, two contributions
based on the "wavelet transform" (WT) are proposed.
The "wavelet-based OFDM" technique is firstly proposed as an
alternative transmission mode for both downlink and uplink of the LTE
and beyond wireless systems. In fact, the
OFDM suffers from several limitations in terms of PAPR, spectral
efficiency, synchronization cost and the inter-carrier interference.
We proved that with substituting the Fourier transform by the wavelet
transform in the OFDM technique, the different OFDM limitations can be
significantly overcame. Second, we proposed an enhanced spectrum
sensing approach based on WT tool that accurately delimits the
occupied resource blocks in the whole spectrum. These physical layer
enhancements help improving the scheduling algorithm for the uplink
proposed in our second contribution.
Extensive network simulations with different network densities have
been conducted, using several metrics such as spectral efficiency,
throughput satisfaction rate, user outage and transmission power. We
have compared our methods to several existing works in the literature
and proved the outperformance for the different considered metrics.

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