jeudi 9 juillet 2009

Soutenance de thèse de Ricardo Nabhen


De la partie de Ricardo Nabhen, je vous envoie le message ci-dessous.

Michele Nogueira



J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à la soutenance de ma thèse intitulée
"Fuzzy Logic Based Method for Modeling Queue Behavior of Network Nodes"
qui sera présentée le vendredi 10 juillet à 15h00, au Laboratoire
d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6), situé au 104 avenue du Président
Kennedy, 75016 Paris, salle 549, ainsi qu'au pot qui suivra.


"Capacity planning of IP-based networks is a difficult task. Ideally, in
order to estimate the maximum amount of traffic that can be carried by the
network, without violating QoS requirements such as end-to-end delay and
packet loss, it is necessary to determine the queue length distribution of
the network nodes under different traffic conditions. This relationship is
strongly dependent on the incoming traffic profile and the queuing
discipline adopted by the network node. Analytical models for queue length
distribution are available only for relatively simple traffic patterns.
The characterization of a model for the queue length distribution is a
vastly studied subject, but the associated mathematical apparatus becomes
more and more complicated when we have to deal with multiple priority
queues, non-exponential service times and long term correlated traffic.
Also, when per-flow guarantees are required, it is necessary to determine
the impact of the queue behavior on the performance of individual flows.
This thesis addresses the design of performance models of network nodes.
We propose a generic method for modeling queue behavior aiming to provide
a methodology for building the corresponding performance models. We take
into account scenarios in which it is very hard to develop an analytical
model. The proposed method combines non-linear programming and simulation
to build a fuzzy model capable of determining the performance of a network
node. Using such strategy, which is based on a general off-line method to
produce the equations capable of representing outputs for the whole space
of the specified input traffic parameters, it is possible to find out the
optimal values that can be used for the configuration of network nodes,
with important applications on traffic engineering and capacity planning.
This approach does not require the derivation of an analytical model and
can be applied to any type of traffic. Also, this methodology includes a
training method that permits the application of any type of performance
metric. "


Ricardo Nabhen

Michele Nogueira Lima <<>>
Phd Student
LIP 6 - PHARE Team
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6
104 Avenue du President Kennedy
75016 PARIS - France

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